Thursday, September 10, 2009

Look and do

In the Gospels there is a great account of Jesus calling the first disciples. He says to them, "Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men."

This, of course, is the context on which we are basing our new series, Go Fish.

As I was reflecting on this, several things occurred to me. One stands out though. The simplicity of my responsibility in this. For me, it boils down to "Look and Do."

Jesus' challenge: Come follow me. At least that's the part that is our responsibility. And when I think about what it means to follow it seems that looking and doing are the bottom lines.

First, you can't follow without watching the one you are following closely - closely enough that you can then do the same things they have done.

So, am I focusing on Christ? Am I looking at Him closely enough and often enough that I can do what He does or would do? I believe that when I do, He will make me a fisher of men not because I've worked so hard to become one, but as a very natural by-product of becoming like HIm, of following Him.

Are you ready to join me in this grand adventure of following and fishing?

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