Friday, May 25, 2007

Another cool service

Last week, my family and I were on vacation in Weston, FL. It was great fun. While we were there we checked out Flamingo Road Church . The service was really wonderful. A highlight for me was a great worship leader who led in English and Spanish. The transition between the two was seamless and the diversity added a level to the worship for me.

Kudos also to Sharon who also did a great job leading. I long so much in each service I attend to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the WLs believe to the core of their being what they are singing. This was apparent in Sharon's leadership.

Thank you all, Allen, Pete, Sharon and all the others who so warmly welcomed us as guests to Flaming Road. I hope someday to be able to extend the same to you. Come join us at Cypress anytime and find me when you do.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Gift of a service

I know now why we refer to our weekly programs within our churches as "services". I was truly "served" a couple of weeks ago when I had the treat of visiting Charlie and Cristie White at their church Highland Park Church in Lakeland. Serving week in and week out at service director here at Cypress I don't have nearly enough opportunities to "just go to church." Charlie did a great job leading worship. We had a great time visiting with them after the service at a very yummy Italian restaurant. All in all it was a great, refreshing evening.

Thanks Charlie and Cristie! Don't forget to come by so we can do some of Clearwater together and I'd love to return the "gift of a service" anytime!