Thursday, September 11, 2008

We MUST know who we are

Recently, at Leadership Summit, in the midst of what I call "intellectual gluttony" I was impacted with this question and challenge.  Who is it God has called my church to be?  Go and be authentic to that.

I get so frustrated when I see churches following trends simply because it worked well for another church.  (I'm three times as frustrated when I catch myself doing it.)  Who God has called that church to be is not necessarily who He has called my church to be.  So I must figure out His calling on me and follow that with as much integrity and authenticity possible. 

Ok, so that's a ton easier to talk about than to do.  More often than not we miss it. 

How do you make sure that you're staying authentic to the call and culture God has you in?


Cynthia Cullen said...

I really think about my passions, my walk with God, and my responsibility to lead my congregation in worship every week. I have to design services out of that and not out of someone else's life. I do gut check a lot and I talk to our people. If my service is predictable then it is probably because my walk with God is real predictable. I always can see what I am allowing God to do in my life fleshed out in my creativity with our services. If I am not connected to Him, I am just plain not creative!

Deana Kistner said...

Cynthia, well said!